Do I need a Wow classic First Aid Kit For Babies?
When it comes to your baby, knowing that you are prepared in any situation it can add more tranquility to your parenting anxieties. Becoming a parent is beyond amazing and with all the joy and happiness comes also the huge responsibility of taking care of a human being who looks and actually is very fragile. Therefore it is normal to feel anxiety and even fear towards the safety of your babies, toddlers, and children.
More than 1 million children are involved in small home accidents every year. Even if some of them don’t require more than a hug and a kiss from mom and dad, others need a bit of medical attention. This is why being prepared with a Wow classic First Aid for babies can be a relief in stressful situations for both children and parents. Plus, no parent wants to hunt for the first aid components when a child is injured and frightened.
Most families have a wow classic First Aid in the house and most likely a first aid kit in the car. If you already have two first aid kits, adding another one that you might not use at all it is not necessarily efficient. However, every parent needs to decide according to family needs and lifestyle.
If you’re looking at the wow classic First Aid kits market, you will see that there still isn’t a comprehensive wow classic First Aid for babies, because different babies have different needs especially when it comes to medication. Furthermore, when your child is born, you will not know upfront if he or she is suffering from any allergies to specific medicines.
This is why Protect Life first aid experts have decided to help every parent with a comprehensive list of all the essentials that should be present in a wow classic First Aid for babies and children.
This is what you can use from a wow classic first aid for baby and children related emergencies:
First aid dressings
For small cuts and scrapes, sore spots or blisters. All our wow classic First Aid kits have sterile gauze dressings, used to stop the bleeding to cleaning the wound or safely applying ointments, adhesive tape to hold dressings in place, bandages to support and hold dressings in place (coming in different sizes to offer extra support when a child has strained a joint, plus a triangular bandage used for making a sling) and adhesive bandages which come in different sizes and are most commonly used to protect minor wounds.

Non-adherent pad
From your Protect Life emergency first aid kit you can also use the non-adherent pad, which can help a lot if the wound is bigger and you want to make sure your baby will feel little to no pain during removal. If the child’s bruise is located in a sensitive spot you can use the non-woven wound pad, highly homogeneous and softer than the woven gauze.
Knee and the elbow bandages
Very helpful for toddlers or little children are the knee and the elbow bandages, the adhesive wound dressing, the butterfly closure strips, and the sterile eye pad. The eye pad will protect the eye from further injury and dirty hands until you reach the proper medical attention. Make sure you don’t try to remove any debris from the eye! All the above components are in any version of our first aid kits, so if you have already purchased one and haven’t used them until now, you are fully prepared for treating cuts, minor scrapes or small burns.
Another must-have accessory in your baby wow classic First Aid kit is a pair of scissors for cutting clothes, plasters, and tape to the perfect size. All our emergency first aid kits come with a good pair of scissors, which can be used for different purposes.
Besides the scissors, the tweezers are another essential part of a first aid kit. Especially when children walk barefoot you might need to safely and quickly remove thorns and splinters. Tweezers are the best instrument to remove thicks as it is easier to pull it out and reduce the risk of infection with other microscopic organisms.

Ice or gel packs
Ice or gel packs are an important addition to your baby first aid kit as applied on bumps and bruises ease the pain and relieve swelling. Both these items are perfect as long as you are near the house or a fridge. Our first aid professionals have added to our Protect Life emergency kits something better: the disposable instant cold pack, which doesn’t need to be kept in the fridge, ready to use in any conditions.
Antiseptic wipes
Antiseptic wipes are a handy way to create a sterile environment, meaning to clean cuts and grazes, to clean the tweezers or the scissors, to help prevent infection.

The antiseptic wipes can also be used to disinfect your hands, prior to taking care of a child’s wound. If you are not able to wash your hands you can use from your Protect Life first aid kit the antiseptic wipes, but a better option is to wear the disposable gloves and thus eliminate any risk of cross-contamination. Babies are more prone to infections than adults and being cautious keeps your child safe.
Most pediatricians recommend to parents having a topical calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream for insect bites and rashes. The medical community states that it is not advisable to use calamine for babies less than 6 months old or if they are allergic to any of the components. Hydrocortisone ointments should be used only if prescribed by your family doctor and they can be used safely on babies in small amounts and for short periods of time.

Our specialists have decided to add to our first aid kits the sting relief pads which use benzocaine, a topical anesthetic, and antiseptic. These pads reduce the pain and itching associated with minor burns, scrapes, insect bites and stings.
All the above accessories should be completed with age-appropriate and doctor-approved medicines for fever and pain, as well as a thermometer. As every child is different, ask your family doctor what to add to the above list for emergency preparedness. If you have decided to purchase a first aid kit from Protect Life for your baby, we recommend you choose the first aid kit which still has enough space in the case for you to add a thermometer and some emergency medication suitable to your children's needs.
Please keep in mind that extreme temperatures can render some medications ineffective. Protect Life first aid experts recommend not to keep your baby first aid kit in your car. If you do so, you will need to replace the items sensitive to extreme heat or cold on a regular basis. Remember also to keep your wow classic First Aid Kit For Babies up to date. Replace the used items and check the expiration date of all medicines.
If you still have questions regarding the use of some of the items present in our first aid kits, please comment below. Keep in mind that Protect Life first aid kits are designed to be used for adults and children alike and some items even for your pets, so with a small addition, you already have the best baby wow classic first aid kit!